About me:
Hi, I'm Szymon Miks Software Engineer based in Lębork, Poland.
I'm interested in software engineering, craftsmanship, clean architecture, clean code, design patterns and pragmatism in software development.
Occasionally, I blog about topics related to software engineering.
I'm still learning and developing my soft and programming skills. I'm always looking for new opportunities and challenges to grow up my skills. I love Python and the whole environment and community around this language.
Senior Backend Software Engineer
- Kaizen Reporting is a data-driven technology company that makes working with financial regulation easier, from researching and tracking rules to improving the quality of their regulatory reporting.
- Implementation of the new features
- API development
- Technologies: Python, Docker, AWS Lambda, AWS Athena, AWS Glue, DynamoDB, AWS Step Functions, SNS, SQS, big data, pytest
Netguru S.A.
Senior Python Developer
- A Global Employee Engagement Platform (EEP) serving 50,000 companies with over 15 million users.
- Over 100 microservices
- Implementation of the new features for the User Management & Onboarding Team
- Event-driven architecture
- Integration with external services
- API development
- Technologies: Python, Docker, AWS Lambda, AWS ECS, DynamoDB, AWS Step Functions, SNS, SQS, pytest, CircleCI
- A company aiming to make the flat rental a service based on cognitive ease, security and predictability for the client
- Integration with Polish Banks API like ING, PEKAO, Santander
- Working with SOAP API
- Development of new features like massive transactions, an account history report
- Technologies: Python, Docker, Django, pytest, CircleCI
Netguru S.A.
Python Developer
- A Global Employee Engagement Platform (EEP) serving 50,000 companies with over 15 million users.
- Participating in migration from monolith architecture to microservices architecture
- Proposed and convinced business to do Event Storming for migration purpose
- Developed new microservices in a way of hexagonal architecture with various patterns
- Event-driven architecture
- Integration with external services
- Technologies: Python, Docker, AWS Lambda, DynamoDB, AWS Step Functions, SNS, SQS, localstack, pytest, openapi, CircleCI, Bamboo
- A platform that helps property companies protect rental Income through advanced due diligence and fraud detection tests.
- Monolithic application written in Django
- Development of new features
- Migration some features to Serverless
- Integration with external services
- Technologies: Python, Docker, AWS, MySQL, Django, DRF, AWS SAM, AWS Lambda, SNS, SQS, pytest
- An application allowing to use the value of your Real Estate as an investment opportunity.
- Monolithic application written in Django
- Development of new features
- Technologies: Python, Docker, AWS, PostgreSQL, Django, DRF, pytest
DLabs sp. z o.o.
Python Developer
- development of web application using DJANGO
- working mainly with data science projects - preparing backend code for data science components
Full Stack Developer
- development of web applications
- development of company version of CMS
- creating PYTHON scripts for job automation
- created PYTHON web scraping scripts for moving content from one website to another
- optimization of JS, CSS, HTML for better website performance
- maintenance of the virtual private server, working with the Linux operating system, updating and installing GCC, PYTHON, WKHTMTOPDF, NODE.JS, PHP and other tools necessary to web development
Aplitt Sp. z o.o.
Junior Monitoring Administrator, System & IT Infrastructure
- maintenance of existing monitoring mechanisms
- development and supporting of Zabbix reports system
- monitoring company infrastructure
Web Developer
- creating websites
- working with CMS
- development of HTML templates (SMARTY)
- development of new features in company version of CMS
Gdańsk University of Technology (Oct 2016 - July 2020)
Faculty of Electronics, Telecommunications and Informatics, Gdańsk, Poland
Bachelor of Engineering, Computer Science
Zespół Szkół Łączności w Gdańsku (Sep 2012 - June 2016)
High School Centre of Communication and Technology in Gdansk, Poland
IT technician, Information Technology
Rest of my projects are available on my GitHub

Job for specialist
Job For Specialist is a portal which enable free publication of job advertisements. Service is dedicated to specialists in various fields, including agriculture, chemistry, programming, engineering, medicine, science etc.
Django Django Rest Framework PostgreSQL ES6 REST API webpack jQuery
Gene Calc
The Gene-Calc is a constantly developed tool dedicated for calculations related to biological sciences, especially focused in field of genetics. Application offers couple of tools such as:
- Hardy–Weinberg equilibrium calculator
- Chi-square tests:
- Independence (Associations) chi-square
- Chi-square goodness of fit test:
- Estimator of genetic distance
- Polymorphic information content and heterozygosity calculator
Admin panel for content management created with Flask-Login and Flask-Admin with DB on MYSQL
FLASK Flask-Admin Flask-Login ES6 jQuery MYSQL NumPy SciPy BioPython
Bonanza SMS
Marketing application created for restaurant Bar Bonanza Łeba
Created for sending promo SMS every day to people who registered in app. Daily discount or promotion on the selected product like: drinks, food, fast-food etc.
Integrated with smsapi.pl for sending SMS messages
Admin panel for content management and app created with Vue.js and REST API
Marketing application created for kayaking company kajakisekowski.pl
Application isn't available without authentication for obvious reasons. It's used internally in company
The main idea of this app is to catch GA-client-id during redirection. Admin is giving a client phone number and URL which is going to be shortened. Shortener URL is sent to the client. It means when client click shortener link, he sees redirection screen but under the hood application give him a ga-client-id and after that app will redirect him to previously entered URL
App hosted at heroku with CI supported by CircleCI
FLASK jQuery MYSQL MaterializeCSS CI CircleCI
The website for selling and service WMF coffee machines
Created with Django-CMS
Just for now website is hosted at my personal subdomain but ultimately it will be hosted on a separate domain